Quality-, Enviroment- and Compliance-Standards

For many years,
These aspects are used to define the goals and standards of our management system for sustainable, future-oriented and responsible management.
Our comprehensive management system is the basis for a continuous, integrative and openly communicated improvement process (CIP) within the entire process chain of our business operations.
The measures for achieving the goals are very versatile and multi-layered according to their objectives. Here are just a few examples:
Quality optimisation and resource conservation

In the manufacture of our products, almost 100 % of the plastic raw materials are used in a resource-saving manner. Right from the start, the planning and design of new products and production processes is geared towards the lowest possible use of raw materials through suitable article geometries. If rejects are produced during the manufacturing process, these are generally separated by type, recycled and almost 100 % returned to the production process; with 100 % consistently high quality of the finished products.
Manufacturing and energy efficiency

Our production processes and the machines, automats and apparatus used are subject to continuous energy monitoring. In this way, our production processes are also successively coordinated and optimised from an energy point of view, and the energy consumption of our operating equipment is continuously reduced through appropriate selection when making new investments.
Infrastructure management, resource conservation and environmental protection

Our operational infrastructures such as buildings, heating and cooling systems, compressed air systems and energy supply systems are subject to monitoring and are continuously analysed and re-evaluated with regard to energy efficiency, environmental and climate protection. Optimisations are carried out as part of ongoing maintenance measures or as part of larger projects with a corresponding investment volume. For example, we treat the cooling water from injection moulding production without chemicals and generate a proportion of our electricity from our own photovoltaic system.
Here you can view the public page with the daily updated values of our photovoltaic system SolarEdgeMonitoring.
Standards at b-plastic

Quality standards:
Our products, processes and our organisation are subject to the high quality standards according to DIN ISO 9001:2015.
Environmental standards:
Our organisation is subject to the high environmental standards according to DIN ISO 14001:2015
Corporate Social Responsibility:
We expressly acknowledge our social responsibility within the scope of our entrepreneurial activities and, in this sense, have joined the GKV – Code of Conduct as a long-standing GKV member.
The General Association of the Plastics Processing Industry (GKV) represents a large part of the plastics processing companies in Germany through its supporting associations AVK, IK, pro-K and TecPart.
Climate-friendly SME Initiative

We have joined the “VEA Initiative – Climate-friendly SMEs”, an initiative of our partner “VEA – Bundesverband der Energie-Abnehmer e.V.”. with which we have been associated since 1987.