b-plastic Main catalogue 2024

375 376 376 377 377 377 378 378 379 379 380 380 HGZG 375 HGOL 376 HGOK 376 HGBB 377 HGBS 377 HGZP 377 HGST 378 UGZ 378 DZGB 379 DZGS 379 DZGK 380 DZGH 380 Handräder und Handkurbeln Hand wheels and crank handles 381 381 382 382 383 384 384 385 385 386 386 386 387 387 387 388 388 388 389 389 390 390 391 391 392 SHR2A 381 SHR2B 381 SHR2C 382 SHR2D 382 SHR4A 383 SHR4B 384 SHR4C 384 SHR4D 385 SHR4E 385 SHR4G 386 SHRA 386 SHRB 386 SHRC 387 SHRD 387 SHRE 387 SHRG 388 HKRV 388 HKRM 388 HKRL 389 HKRS 389 HKRQ 390 HKRD 390 HKKS 391 HKKQ 391 HKKD 392 Universelle reibschlüssige Verbinder Universal friction-type connectors 394395396 RVB 90 394 RVB 180 395 RVB 180/2 396 Handgriffe Handles Verbindungselemente / Joining and fastening elements https://www.b-plastic.com 20 Walter Bethke GmbH & Co. KG seit 1963